Monday, June 9, 2008

The Birthday Bug

Collin's birthday party featured bugs, bugs and more bugs. Because Collin's favorite thing to do right now is catch bugs, it wasn't hard for him to choose what he wanted to do for his birthday.

While waiting for the guests to arrive, we painted with balloons to make big green caterpillars. The games began with "I have a little ant and he won't bite you...", a spider crawl relay, and a hunt for "bugs" hidden all over the living room. After an indoor ladybug picnic (it was raining), we made snail slime to play with. Oooooh! And finally, we dug into a dirt cake that was rich and DEE-licious. (Think Oreo meets cream cheese and chocolate pudding.) Hey, how did these worms get in here?

1 comment:

Emily said...

What a creative and fun mom, you are, slug slime, what boy wouldn't love slug slime. Love the balloon bug there on the couch. We forgot to wish Collin a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY little handsome!
love auntie Em