Monday, February 6, 2012

I've Got a Girl in My Belly

When the ultrasound lady told me it was a girl, I didn't say anything. I just cried. I was so relieved and happy. My mom bought me pink balloons and I cried again. I tied them to my mailbox. Tonight I bought girl baby clothes. Three outfits for $24 at Walmart. I couldn't resist...the shirt had butterflies in rainbow colors and came with purple pants. This is fun.

But can I really do this? Will I know how to raise a girl? I feel like I'm a brand new mom all over again. I'm due June 3. Advice is welcome.


More of Mom's Special Moments said...

CONGRATULATIONS missy. . you're in for a whole new world of good times!!

Johanna said...

Congratulations, April! That is wonderful news! Don't worry, it will all come to you, just like it did when you had your first child. Girls, in my opinion, are a little easier to raise than boys. And their clothes are a lot cuter!

Rob and Marseille said...

congrats! i'm having a girl too! (3 weeks before you) So far I've held myself to only buying 1 outfit before the baby shower...we'll see how long that lasts...

Emily said...


This is such beautiful news. What a lovely grace and gift. I was scared out of my wits to have a boy, scared out of my wits. To the point that I had a lot of very dark thoughts that felt uncontrollable, when he was an infant, and I kept having to repent and pray and had so much power to hurt me thus far in my life. One thing that helped was my friend told me I was going to LOVE my boys so much as they got older they would be the cutest thing on the planet, and how true that was, what a joy my Rawl was as he grew into a boy. And Beth my aunt said that their needs are so similar to girls, which also helped a lot. While you will find they are different, more emotional and less physical, their core needs are really so similar. And you will love kissing them, holding them, laughing with them, singing to them and teaching them just as you do with your boys. Milly's ability to understand cause and effect is so much better as a girl, where boys don't develop that nearly as quickly, so I've gotten to literally see her transform and change,in so many ways just over the matter of a few years as I've taught her, and that is sooooo rewarding. Hazel is such a bobble, sunshine burst that she can't help but warm your heart. As you get to know this dear girl, all the fears will melt away, and you will love her, adore her, and be just what she needs to raise her in these calling times. And common knowledge between us is of course that Heavenly Father helps us fill in the gaps as we employ the atonement, and supplies amply as we pray deeply to be filled with His love.

On the topic of dark thoughts from fear, by George I knew how delightful boys were, and wasn't afraid but just happy to have him, so I forewent most the dark thoughts. (I still had a few now and then with each infant, just because infants are hard)I doubt you'll get the dark thoughts but perchance you do the best thing is to ignore them like they are no big deal; let them flow in and out like water and not panic or compulsively repent which exasperates the problem. (like once a day is constructive), and that is what has helped most of all on that account. But I doubt you'll have that struggle.

Congratulations you will be wonderful, I have no doubt.


velinda said...

I'm so happy for you and have no doubt you will be as stupendous a mother of a daughter as you are of those fine strapping boys of yours.
love and blessings . . .

Harmony said...

Hi April! Just checking in on your blog. So cool to see you are finally having a GIRL! So happy for you! Girls are great! Lots of work but so so sweet.