Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merry Christmas!

My family and I went down to Trolley Square yesterday. Merritt and I met there almost nine years ago. Collin said, "So Dad. This is where you came when you only had $5 left in your pocket?" Merritt used his last $5 to get into a dance there...and the rest is history. Collin wanted us to show him exactly where Merritt and I were standing when we met. Then Collin stood there. He looked up at us and smiled.

We still don't have much more than $5 in our pocket. But we have three and a half kids. They are my treasure. My favorite movie of all time is Family Man. It's a modern-day version of the classic It's a Wonderful Life. I watch them both every Christmas. It's a ritual. And, every time I cry. I'm just so grateful to have a husband and a family. Nothing else matters. My sister took this photo of us. Love, and a merry Christmas to all!


velinda said...

That's a terrific story. If you could have only seen, that day you were standing there, your kids were probably all standing there with you cheering you on! We're so thankful that you are family! Have a wonderful Holiday Season filled with Joy (and not too much chaos) . . .

rat said...

very sweet April, thank you for sharing. It is the most treasured gift of all...our families. You have wonderful family and congratualtions on your pregnancy! So lucky! Merry Christmans! love,
Amber and family

R. B said...

What an eternal investment! Five dollars well spent :)

Holy cow, so happy to hear about Family Man. Love the old fashioned counterpart and I've never heard of this modern rendition. How can I get ahold of it?

Loved the Christmas letter, great to hear about everything, my favs are: Collin playing w/ someone all alone, Merritt's finding Luke's bunny due to one prayer of faith! And Merritt's new calling, sounds perfect, among many sweet treats, thanks for sharing...congrats congrats April on this special number 4, you'll be fantastic w/ 4. Can't wait. :)

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