Thursday, August 18, 2011

William Tyndale

A few years ago I read a biography about William Tyndale called "Fire in the Bones: William Tyndale--Martyr, Father of the English Bible" by S. Michael Wilcox. It was very interesting and really opened my eyes to the history of Bible translation and how much people (like William Tyndale) sacrificed to get the Bible into the hands of common people. It caused me to treasure the Holy Bible even more than I already did.

While on a recent vacation to Oregon, I borrowed a Bible of a dear friend. I noticed that inside the front cover was a letter from his mother. The Bible had been given to him when he was fourteen years old. His mother, who had since passed away, had left him some precious words of wisdom, her favorite scriptures, and her testimony that the Bible contained the words of Christ. It brought tears to my eyes. What kind of letter would I write to my sons? What kind of legacy would I leave them?

Scripture to me is evidence of the love of God for His children. I read scripture regularly (almost daily) and more than anything else this practice has strengthened my faith in God. And it's not just because of the words on the page. It's simply the act of reading them that helps me connect to God and receive answers to questions and prayers. When you really need it, God can speak to you through those pages.

I read the scriptures to my children every morning at breakfast because I want them to remember who they are--children of a loving Father in Heaven--and act accordingly. I hope they learn to treasure scripture as I do. And I am proud to belong to a church that encourages daily scripture study. When I happened upon this YouTube video about William Tyndale it was stirring. I wanted to share it with my friends and family. Love to all.

P.S. I noticed that my blog cuts off the right hand side of the video. If you prefer, link to the same video here to see the full picture.

1 comment:

velinda said...

thank you for this poignant reminder of how much we should be grateful for the opportunity to read the scriptures