Sunday, September 28, 2008

I took my grandma to the zoo

I asked Collin what he wanted to do while we were at Grandma's house, and he very decisively said he wanted to go to the zoo. So the zoo was our first excursion. Both grandma and grandpa, as well as Aunt Jill and baby Henry (who is now 8 weeks old) accompanied us on our trip.

Collin loved the elephants, bears, penguins, alligators and gorillas. Luke's favorite seemed to be the giraffes, although he called every animal a cow. My poor country bumpkin had never been to the zoo before.

The highlight for me (and grandpa) was watching Collin get so excited about his camera. He carried his kid-sized digital camera the whole time. He took multiple shots of each animal; he had to get the picture just right. He would say things like the lighting was wrong and try to get a better shot. I wonder who he gets that from?

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