I have loved living in a small town where you really get to know the people that cross your path in life. For example, my midwife delivered my child but she also became my friend. She's a wonderful woman and I've enjoyed many meaningful conversations with her. I recently invited her to show our home preschool how she spins wool into yarn and knits socks and sweaters. Her visit was wonderful and the kids really enjoyed it.
Gail brought wool from a sheep that had just been sheared. She even brought the children a photo of the sheep the wool had come from. She let them cart (or comb) the wool. Then she showed them how to spin it. She let them each take a turn working the foot pedals. She also brought her knitting needles and showed them a sock she was making. Notice the socks she has on her feet; they are the prettiest socks I have ever seen. And she made them!
Gail took this cute photo of Collin holding three pieces of wool, each in a different stage of the process. You can see the sheared wool that is still curly and has been dyed green. You can also see the carted wool and finally the spun wool (which is hanging around his neck). Hopefully Gail and I continue to find excuses to get together. Gail, thanks again for coming and sharing your talent with us!