Thursday, December 25, 2008

I am officially a digiscrapper!

We had a wonderful day as a family opening presents and playing with our new toys! I cooked my first turkey dinner tonight and it was a smashing success. And my husband cleaned up the kitchen so that I could scrapbook. Life doesn't get any better than that!

I just wanted to announce that I've gone digital. I used the money that my parents gave me for Christmas to buy Photoshop Elements and I am LOVING it! I finished my first ever digital scrapbook page today and I can't get over how fun and easy it was. I'll post it here for all to enjoy. Thanks to all who sent something special to our family and I hope you all had a merry Christmas! I'll try to post more pictures tomorrow...

1 comment:

Emily said...


After reading this, I wonder if this is what I ought to do. My paper is getting all smashed in the garage, there is no room in the house to store it. I am low on paper anyway, is it fast? I will need to get details of how it works, I am glad you treated your family to this, after all it is doing family history!

Congrats on your first turkey, Riley did the smashing success this year, I can't claim that yet, and way to go bro for doing April's dishes, you are a charm!