Sunday, October 5, 2008

Arches National Park

When we found out Amy was engaged and we'd be returning to Utah in the fall, we decided this year's family vacation should be a camping trip at Arches National Park. It would be the perfect time of year to enjoy the beauty of the desert. I love this park, and knew my boys would love it too. What boy wouldn't love rocks to climb, endless sand and roasted marshmallows (or in Luke's case...sandy marshmallows)?

We camped in Devil's Garden and spent two and a half days exploring the park by car and foot. At the beginning of the trip, we told the kids we were going on a scavenger hunt to look for arches. Whether we were driving or hiking Collin was totally engaged in the hunt. Pretty soon Luke got the hang of it, too, and shouted "Archie, archie!" every time he saw an arch.

You know it's a memorable trip when your son comes home and draws you a picture of his family around a campfire and a tent. (So cute.) And what's more, I have a new stamp in my National Parks Passport. (Yipee!) So we figured out a way, yet again, for our family to have a vacation this year (or at least a weekend get-away), despite our limited budget. And thanks to my boys, a weekend get-away did feel like an amazing family vacation. Everything about the park was new and exciting and fun with my boys and my husband by my side.


Charles said...

I liked your article on Arches National Park.

-- Charles Miller

Katie said...

April! Great pics of your fam @ Arches. I hope you guys had a great trip down here. It was sure fun to see you guys and spend with you all.
Love ya!


Emily said...

"Archie," how cute~!! Love the cute Sandra Bullock reminder, passport stamp, and the pictures are amazing, LOVE the one of you and Mert, you look gorgious!