Monday, March 5, 2012

Owen's Candy Land Birthday Party

When I asked Owen what he wanted for his birthday he said, "Candy." And his favorite thing to do right now is play board games. So we celebrated with a Candy Land birthday party.

Here are some pictures of the kids building the Candy Land castle, fishing at Snowflake Lake, eating the licorice forest, moving to music at Lollipop Woods, tossing beanbags at the Gingerbread Tree, and gathering peanuts for Gramma Nut's kitchen.

We also went for a hike in the Gumdrop Mountains (our staircase) while balancing large gumdrops on a spoon. We never got to the finger painting in the Chocolate Swamp. (I ran out of time to make the pudding.) But I can do that later with just Owen.

Anyways,  I think the kids had a good time. Owen loved his Candy Land cake, especially the bubble gum castle. Thanks to all who came to celebrate with us. It was fun to spend the day with family. I love you, Owen. Everything about you is my favorite. Happy 3rd birthday!

Toward the end of the party Owen actually came down with a fever and fell asleep. You can see him starting to crash while sitting on his dad's shoulders. Poor little guy. That's the worst to be sick on your birthday. Not to mention he probably exposed everyone at the party. (So sorry everybody.) 

But the next day he was feeling better, Owen put on his new superhero dress-up (a favorite birthday present) and started jumping off the stairs. He was feeling quite powerful. And, I kept all the Candy Land props in the dramatic play corner of our play room so we can party on.