I'm 34 and I finally have a permanent address. I can't tell you how good it feels. I love it here. And my family does too. I can tell good things are going to happen here.
A couple of nights after we moved in there was a brief, desert rainstorm followed by this beautiful rainbow. It arched directly above our heads and we could see the colors fade into the mountainside. It felt like a good omen.
Anyways, I took pictures of the rainbow and they show our cute house, with the large cottonwood tree in the front yard. (We can't wait to watch it change colors in the fall and jump in the leaves!)
The pictures also show the view of the mountains from our backyard. I never tire of watching the mountains turn pink as the sun sets. It's my favorite thing about the house. I think the kids' favorite thing is the sand box. They play out there until it's dark. (See Collin's sandman.)
We're so excited to have a house, and grateful to God for leading us here to this beautiful and friendly place. Since I couldn't live in Florence, this definitely feels like the next best thing.
We really like our ward here too. Our kids have great Primary teachers and people are very friendly. We had four neighbors bring us goodies and introduce themselves to us. The kids have made a few friends and have played at neighbor's houses.
And I already have a calling. I was invited to serve as a counselor in the Primary presidency. Of course, I was very excited to get to serve in Primary again. I've been teaching youth Sunday school (ages 12-14) and I loved that too. But you can't beat getting to teach classes with your own children in them.
When the bishopric asked me, I immediately got so excited to be able to again share my testimony of the Savior every week with the children. But I was quickly reminded my first Sunday in Primary that it's really the children who teach me.
A three year old Sunbeam was giving a talk on Jesus' miracles. She gave some examples of things the Savior had done when He was here on the earth. Then she began to testify that Jesus still heals the sick. Jesus still loves the children. Jesus still has power over the earth. Jesus is the Son of God, and He is a God of miracles. I felt the Holy Spirit whisper to me and remind me that this was true. What a blessing for me. These children will bless my life.
This picture is of me and my kids after church on Sunday. (Owen was asleep.) Anyways, thanks to all who helped us get to this point, especially my sister and her husband who let us live in their basement for the last year. And thanks to those who helped us move. Love to all.